This episode explores the current dynamics between China and India in light of Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi’s second informal summit in October 2019. Our guest, Dr. Tanvi Madan, analyzes the outcomes of this meeting and the key issues impacting the bilateral relationship. Dr. Madan explains India’s views on China’s Belt and Road Initiative and use of detention facilities in Xinjiang, as well as how US policy toward India factors in to China-India relations. She also addresses continued points of contention like the Kashmir region and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
Dr. Tanvi Madan is director of The India Project and a senior fellow in the Project on International Order and Strategy in the Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institution. Dr. Madan’s work explores Indian foreign policy, focusing in particular on India’s relations with China and the United States. She also researches the intersection between Indian energy policies and its foreign and security policies.