China’s military is poised to see a significant reshuffling of its top leadership at the 20th Party Congress. This ChinaPower feature explores recent trends within China’s Central Military Commission and forecasts potential outcomes of the 20th Party Congress.
Keyword:People’s Liberation Army
Surveying the Experts: China’s Approach to Taiwan
The Taiwan Strait is a major flashpoint that threatens to undermine regional and global stability. Yet crucial questions remain about China’s approach to Taiwan, including its strategy, timeline, and willingness to use force. To shed light on these issues, ChinaPower polled dozens of leading experts. Explore the results in this feature.
Tracking the Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis
Chinese escalations in response to U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan have precipitated the Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis. This page tracks and analyzes key Chinese activities as they develop.
How Deep Are China-Russia Military Ties?
Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine has raised concerns about the deep military ties shared between China and Russia. This ChinaPower feature analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of China-Russia military relations, focusing on arms sales and joint military exercises.
How Is China Expanding its Infrastructure to Project Power Along its Western Borders?
Within Tibet and Xinjiang, China is constructing and upgrading dozens of airports and heliports—a large majority of which are military or dual-use facilities. China is supplementing its airpower expansion with new ground infrastructure that is upgrading the PLA’s ability to move troops, weaponry, and supplies.
Is China a Military Superpower?
A superpower is distinguished by its power projection abilities. Spurred by economic growth and expanding regional security interests, China has embarked on a large-scale modernization of its military, but it remains unclear if China is yet a global superpower.