
Controlling Advanced Technology Exports: A Conversation with Roslyn Layton and James Lewis

In this episode, Dr. Roslyn Layton and Dr. James Lewis discuss how to control the proliferation of technologies for military use with a special focus on China. Our guests explain the history of US export policy regarding advanced technology, noting the delicate balance between opportunities for private enterprise and the needs of national security. Dr. Layton and Dr. Lewis describe the Wassenar Agreement and its impact on current US advanced technology exports to China. They also analyze China’s actions in retaliation to international technology export restrictions. Lastly, our guests evaluate how the Trump administration has acted in its approach to China and recommend actions the incoming Biden administration should take.

China’s Power: Up for Debate 2020: Debate 5

This special episode features audio from the China Power Project’s fifth annual conference, which comprises five live online debates. It features keynote remarks by Representative Rick Larsen on the challenges and opportunities posed by China’s growing power and the view from Congress. Experts also debate whether selective US-China economic decoupling will set back China’s emergence as a global high-tech leader.


Is China a Leader in Quantum Technologies?

China is investing heavily in cutting-edge quantum technologies, which exploit properties of quantum mechanics to enable breakthroughs in sensing, communication, and computing. This ChinaPower feature breaks down the complexities of quantum technologies and analyzes China’s progress relative to other countries.