While China and Russia presently reap substantial benefits from ties with each other, their relationship is complex and comes with costs for both sides. This ChinaPower feature analyzes three key weaknesses of their relationship.
What Are the Key Strengths of the China-Russia Relationship?
This ChinaPower feature explores how China and Russia came to be so close, up until the time of Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine. This analysis centers on five key ways in which China benefits from the relationship.
Is China’s Covid-19 Diplomacy Succeeding?
The Covid-19 pandemic have offered China an unprecedented opportunity to shore up its international image and influence by providing the world with public health goods. This ChinaPower feature provides a comprehensive assessment of the scope and impact of China’s Covid-19 medical aid and vaccine diplomacy.
What Do Overseas Visits Reveal about China’s Foreign Policy Priorities?
Overseas visits by top officials are a critical component of diplomacy and soft power. This ChinaPower feature analyzes the foreign diplomatic travels of top Chinese officials, revealing unique insights into China’s foreign policy priorities.
What Is the Source of China’s International Prestige and Influence?
Countries with high levels of prestige can attract other states to support their foreign policy goals. In order to analyze China’s changing position in the world, it is necessary to assess the source of China’s international prestige and influence.
Is China Contributing to the United Nations’ Mission?
In recent years, China’s support for the UN has grown considerably. Its increasing financial and personnel contributions offer China a low-cost means of demonstrating its commitment to global stability while alleviating concerns over its growing military and economic power.
Is China’s Soft Power Strategy Working?
Countries that can successfully leverage their national power are able to affect the behavior of other political actors. Toward this end, the Chinese government has developed top-down strategies designed to enhance its soft power.
Is China Attracting Foreign Visitors?
Inbound and outbound tourism trends shed light on China’s global appeal and how the Chinese government cultivates its soft power. Tourism has been used by China as a political tool to further its interests and expand its influence.