In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, we are joined by Dr. Yanzhong Huang to discuss the impact of China’s zero-Covid policy and how reopening has affected the country. He explains that China’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic evolved over three phases, the most recent of which occurred in December 2022 with the end of strict controls. Dr. Huang argues that mounting social and economic pressure pushed the Chinese government to make a dramatic policy shift without warning. Lastly, he examines how the end of zero-Covid could contribute to China’s economic recovery, but could also undermine the public’s confidence in Chinese leadership.
The Impact of Covid-19 on China’s Economy: A Conversation with Daniel H. Rosen
In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, Mr. Daniel H. Rosen joins us to examine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on China’s economic power. Mr. Rosen describes the variables that contribute to China’s economic power and recounts how China’s economy was initially impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. He also discusses the primary measures the Chinese government took to rejuvenate its economy and evaluates which measures were the most significant. Lastly, Mr. Rosen explains the potential impact of the Chinese Communist Party’s “Common Prosperity” political campaign on China’s economic growth.
The Impact of Covid-19 on China’s Military: A Conversation with M. Taylor Fravel
In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, Dr. M. Taylor Fravel joins us to discuss whether China has become more militarily assertive toward its neighbors during the pandemic. Dr. Fravel points out that, despite Covid-19, Chinese defense spending increased and PLA modernization continued unabated. Similarly, he argues that the level of Chinese assertiveness seen prior to the pandemic has continued during the pandemic. He adds that the PLA’s ability to dispatch medical teams within China during the pandemic while maintaining its pace of operations in regional disputes shows that China is reaping the success of two decades of PLA modernization. Lastly, Dr. Fravel describes the benefits of increasing US collaboration with countries on the front lines of Chinese disputes.
China’s Global Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Conversation with Dr. Yanzhong Huang
In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, Dr. Yanzhong Huang joins us to discuss China’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on China’s power. Dr. Huang assesses how China’s handling of the pandemic is viewed within China and around the world. He also discusses China’s Health Silk Road and its role in advancing China’s interests amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Lastly, Dr. Huang evaluates China’s influence within international health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), and provides recommendations for how the United States can work with China to combat the pandemic.
China’s Power: Up for Debate 2020: Debate 3
Will China exploit the Covid-19 pandemic to shift the geopolitical balance of power in its favor? Experts discuss in this special debate episode.
The Impact of China’s Dominant Position in Global Supply Chains: A Conversation with Wang Tao
In this episode, Dr. Wang Tao joins us to discuss the factors behind China’s shifting role in global supply chains. Dr. Wang explains how China came to play such a dominant role in global manufacturing and the potential consequences of reshoring or moving supply chains elsewhere. She also details the results of a recent survey on North Asia CFOs about intentions to move production out of China, particularly analyzing the COVID-19 pandemic’s role in these decisions. Finally, Dr. Wang speaks to the potential impact of the Hong Kong national security law on supply chain decisions.
US-China Relations in Free Fall?: A Conversation with Lu Xiang
In this episode, Dr. Lu Xiang joins us to discuss souring relations between the US and China. Dr. Lu assesses the overall state of the bilateral relationship, and breaks down recent points of friction like the COVID-19 pandemic and the Hong Kong national security law. He also analyzes how the possible outcomes of the 2020 US presidential election might contribute to the improvement or further deterioration of US-China ties. Finally, Dr. Lu shares his expectations for the US-China relationship over the next five to ten years.
Examining China’s Influence in the World Health Organization: A Conversation with Jeremy Youde
In this episode, Dr. Jeremy Youde joins us to discuss China’s evolving role in the World Health Organization (WHO). Dr. Youde outlines how China’s contributions to the WHO have changed over time, and highlights its main sources of influence in the organization. He also explains how the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed some of the challenges that the WHO and the international community face when working with China. Finally, he explores the risk that Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO poses to global health, and offers insights on Taiwan’s prospects for achieving a greater role in the organization following COVID-19.