With Brookings visiting fellow Philippe Le Corre, this episode explores the implications of Brexit for China and what it means for China’s economic and political interests in both the UK and the EU.
ChinaPower PODCAST
The ChinaPower Podcast dissects critical issues underpinning China’s emergence as a global power. By bringing together the leading experts on China and international politics, the series offers our listeners critical insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by China’s rise. These extended discussions are hosted by the director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Breaking down the South China Sea ruling: A Conversation with Peter Dutton
This episode explores the ramifications of the UNCLOS ruling by an arbitral tribunal on July 12, 2016 over China’s constructions of several artificial islands in the South China Sea with Peter Dutton of the U.S. Naval War College.
China’s role in the AIIB: A Conversation with Yukon Huang
This inaugural episode explores the origins, aspirations, and potential success of the AIIB and what this means for China with Yukong Huang of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.