China’s Power: Up for Debate 2016

China’s Power: Up for Debate 2016
China’s Power: Up for Debate 2016
China’s Power: Up for Debate 2016 Top

    The challenges and opportunities presented by China’s rise are hotly contested. To help make sense of the issue, ChinaPower hosted its inaugural conference on November 29, 2016. The conference featured a series of debates between leading experts on the nature of Chinese power. The audience was polled for their opinion both before and after each debate. Polling results, debate descriptions, and conference video are posted below.

    Opening Panel: Current trends in Chinese power and their implications for regional security.

    No voting occurred for this panel.

    Tom Christensen
    William P. Boswell Professor of World Politics of Peace and War
    Director China and the World Program, Princeton University

    Zha Daojiong
    Professor of International Political Economy, School of International Studies
    Peking University

    Proposition 1

    For: Rear Admiral Mike McDevitt (Ret.)
    Senior Fellow, Center for Naval Analyses
    Former Director of the East Asia Policy Office for Secretary of Defense
    George H.W. Bush Administration

    Against: Admiral Dennis Blair (Ret.)
    Chairman of the Board and CEO, Sasakawa USA Former U.S. Director of National Intelligence

    Proposition 2

    For: Aaron Friedberg
    Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University
    Former Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs
    Office of the Vice President of the United States

    Against: Zhao Suisheng
    Professor, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver founding editor and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Contemporary China

    Proposition 3

    For: David M. Lampton
    Director of China Studies
    Johns Hopkins Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
    Chairman, The Asia Foundation

    Against: Evan Feigenbaum
    Vice Chairman, Paulson Institute at the University of Chicago
    Nonresident Senior Associate, Asia Program
    Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

    Proposition 4

    For: Andy Xie
    Director, China Boqi Environmental Science and Technology
    Former Chief Asia-Pacific Economist, Morgan Stanley

    Against: David Dollar
    Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Global Economy and Development
    John L. Thornton China Center, The Brookings Institution

    Proposition 5

    For: David Shambaugh
    Professor of Political Science and International Affairs Director, China Policy Program
    Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University

    Against: Daniel A. Bell
    Chair Professor, Schwarzman Scholar Program Tsinghua University

    Keynote Speech

    Senator Dan Sullivan
    Committee on Armed Services
    United States Senate

    Photo Credit: TEH ENG KOON/AFP/Getty Images

    China Power Team. "China’s Power: Up for Debate 2016" China Power. November 30, 2016. Updated May 22, 2019. Accessed February 15, 2025.